Crusader Awakening

Crusader Awakening

Crusader Awakening 16
February 21-23, 2025

What Is Crusader Awakening?

Awakening is a widespread, national retreat program for college students that focuses on one of the major attributes of our faith that sometimes, in the busyness of our college lives, we tend to forget: that we as a Church are a community, a family made up of very different and gifted people who need one another, and most of all, need Christ. At Crusader Awakening, students will experience a weekend founded on the reception of the Sacraments of the Eucharist and Reconciliation. Throughout the weekend, peer leaders will address some of the very real issues we deal with in our lives through a series of talks that contain personal testimony, practical advice, and theological reflection that Crusader Awakening has become known for! Retreatants will also participate in group discussions, shared meals, Adoration, praise & worship, skits, and so much more! Are you ready to reinvigorate your relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church?

Head Staff Applications are now open!

Please note:  You must have attended an Awakening (not necessarily at UD) and ideally have staffed a prior Awakening retreat before applying for a head staff position.

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